Your coach/therapist

Stella Pennekamp Orange Expats

Stella Pennekamp MA | Senior Expat Career Coach

Founder of Orange Expats, an Amsterdam based private practice in career coaching for Expats living or working in The Netherlands.

As a Senior Expat Career Coach with over 17yrs’ of experience I've successfully helped hundreds of highly-skilled professionals from over 80 + countries master their challenges and accelerate their international career. As a Dutch academic native, I fully understand Dutch culture and habits, how to approach the Dutch labour market effectively, and how to deal with the dynamics at the Dutch/international workplace.

I love helping you feel at home and cope with cultural differences you might face while staying in The Netherlands.

I hold a Master's degree in Cultural Policy and Management at the University of Amsterdam (UvA) and Post Graduate qualifications in:


To help professionals master their challenges and accelerate their international career.

Integrative approach to career coaching and therapy

"To me, there is no single approach that can help each client in all situations. With my client-based, integrative approach to career coaching and therapy, I’ll bring together different elements of theories, methodologies and interventions to help you master your challenges. Through blending of these relevant elements, an approach is formed to effectively suit your needs. Combined with highly effective job marketing and career-related insights, it results in a tailored approach for successfully achieving your goals."


Her clients are Netherlands-based highly skilled employees: expatriates, (short- & long stay) migrants, their accompanying partners, Dutch natives and (inter)national companies employing them. Stella’s recent clients include IUCN, the University of Amsterdam (UvA), Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU), Seenons, the Dutch Whiplash Foundation (WSN), law firms and companies working in the creative, cultural, fmgc and retail sectors. Her clients work in marketing, finance, e-commerce, sales, I(C)T, HR, legal, consultancy, journalism, as a teacher, among others.

Membership & Think-tank

She associates with the "Landelijk Centrum Stressmanagement" - the National Centre Stressmanagement - an occupational health company, providing activities to activate selfregulation, selfregulation by heartcoherence, selfregulation of emotions and selfmanagement of stress. 

She is a certified confidential advisor and associated with the LVV - the " Landelijke vereniging voor Vertrouwenspersonen" .

